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I'm Dandhara Martins Rebello, medical student at Severino Sombra University located in Vassouras-RJ and associated of the Academic Association of Cardiology AAC, in the 2016/2017 management. In this post we will analyze the relationship between depression in students and health professionals, which is becoming more and more frequent.
DEPRESSÃO: Enfraquecimento, abatimento, físico ou moral. Perturbação mental caracterizada pela ansiedade e pela melancolia. Estado patológico de sofrimento psíquico assinalado por um abaixamento do sentimento de valor pessoal, por pessimismo e por uma inapetência face à vida.
DEPRESSION: Weakening, abatement, physical or moral. Mental disorder characterized by anxiety and melancholia. Pathological state of psychic suffering marked by a lowering of the sense of personal value, by pessimism and by a lack of respect for life.
Depression is the main disease of the mood and affects about 120 million people worldwide, contributing globally to the burden of other diseases. It can be subdivided into a mild degree, where there is significant suffering but there is no significant impairment of daily activities, moderate where professional or domestic development is affected or even severe, causing social and / or professional incapacity, and may be accompanied by psychotic symptoms. Currently, this has been one of the biggest fears of students and health professionals. Physical exhaustion has expanded beyond the body and the mind has been increasingly affected by the few nights of sleep, worries and untiring journeys of work and study.
Novos estudos tem surgido a todo momento, apontando que o grau de depressão na área tem se tornado assustador. Entre os universitários, os alunos do curso de medicina tem sido alvo constante de pesquisas relacionadas, apresentando prevalên-cia para os transtornos depressivos variando de 8 a 64%. Eventos estressores ao longo da formação médica tem sido apontados como possíveis desencadeadores de sintomas depressivos tais como: pouco tempo de lazer, contato com doenças e morte, a agressividade inerente a muitos procedimentos médicos, dificuldade em comunicar más notícias aos familiares e doentes e "pacientes-problema". Já na área profissional, tem sido prevalente entre profissionais de nível superior, embora seja um problema de saúde pública e afete todas as esferas sociais.
New studies have come up all the time, pointing out that the degree of depression in the area has become frightening. Among college students, medical students have been a constant target of related research, presenting prevalence for depressive disorders ranging from 8 to 64%. Stressful events throughout medical training have been pointed out as possible triggers for depressive symptoms such as: little leisure time, contact with illnesses and death, aggressiveness inherent to many medical procedures, difficulty in communicating bad news to family and patients and "patients -problem". In the professional area, it has been prevalent among higher education professionals, although it is a public health problem and affects all social spheres.
A depressão e a ansiedade, bem como a não identificação precoce pode levar a um impacto muito grande no desenvolver da carreira do aluno e do profissional, com queda de rendimento, aumento do risco de abandono/desistência do curso e aumento do risco de suicídio. O aumento do nível de estresse é um dos principais efeitos desencadeadores desse processo, e como já dito em postagens anteriores, é preciso levar em conta que a depressão é um quadro multifatorial, que inclui desencadeadores até fatores ambientais em sua fisiopatologia.
Depression and anxiety, as well as failure to identify early can lead to a very large impact on the career development of the student and the professional, with a drop in income, increased risk of dropout / withdrawal and increased risk of suicide. Increased levels of stress are one of the main triggers of this process, and as mentioned in previous posts, it is necessary to take into account that depression is a multifactorial picture that includes everything from genetics to environmental factors in its pathophysiology.
A identificação precoce e o encaminhamento para tratamento farmacológico e/ou psicoterápico têm grande impacto no desenvolvimento destes sintomas, minimizando o risco de suicídio e a progressão da doença. Profissionais da área da saúde cuidam diariamente do bem-estar de outras pessoas, porém por vezes parecem se esquecer de si próprio. É preciso saber balancear o trabalho/estudo com a vida pessoal, para que um não tome a frente do outro e se sobreponha, causando mais problemas do que soluções.
Early identification and referral for pharmacological and / or psychotherapeutic treatment have a great impact on the development of these symptoms, minimizing the risk of suicide and the progression of the disease. Health professionals take care of the well-being of others on a daily basis, but at times they seem to forget about themselves. It is necessary to know how to balance work / study with personal life, so that one does not take over the other and overlap, causing more problems than solutions.
Na próxima semana, teremos o post de Alanderson Moreira sobre Depressão: desafios atuais.
Next week, we'll have a post by Alanderson Moreira on Depression: current challenges.
O blog “AAC – Cheers!” brinda pela sua saúde e visita!
The blog 'AAC – Cheers!’ toasts for your health and visit!
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